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Yakudoo Babel, the kingKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
PSHKV - Innovative Creative AgencyDiscover the limitless potential of AI, Web3, and the Metaverse. PSHKV provide cutting-edge solutions and visionary strategies to propel your business forward. Contact us today to redefine innovation and drive expo
Yakudoo My EPIC StoriesKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
World News - EuropeLatest headlines from WN Network. WorldNews delivers latest Breaking news including World News, U.S., politics, business, entertainment, video, science, weather and sports news. Search News and archives in 80 languages. - a better way to upload and share audio is a free audio-sharing platform designed to empower audio creatives and musicians
Yakudoo Spartans Vs HipstersKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
Adobe Photoshop - WikipediaFrom the beginning, Photoshop could save files in other formats, including TIF, JPEG, and GIF. These files are smaller than PSD files because they lack the editable features of a PSD file. These formats are required to u
Yakudoo Behind the brutesKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
Yakudoo Fitness T-ShirtsKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
Yakudoo Webgl ExperimentsKarim Maaloul, design, code, illustration portfolio
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